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Rosemount 3500P/3500VP PERpH-X High Performance pH/ORP Sensors

Rosemount 3500P/3500VP PERpH-X High Performance pH/ORP Sensors

SMART enabled for pH measurements
Fast, accurate, and stable measurement
Rebuildable design allows sensor use in applications of elevated temperatures, fouling, coating and poisoning

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A brief introduction to the Rosemount 3500P-HT-01-10-21-30 pH/ORP sensor:

The Rosemount 3500P-HT-01-10-21-30 pH/ORP sensor features Rebuild-able design allows the sensor to be used for fast, accurate, and stable measurements in applications such as high temperature, scaling, coating, and poisoning

The Rosemont 3500P / 3500VP PERpH-X pH/ORP sensor combines several design innovations to extend the life of the sensor in difficult applications. These sensors feature a reconfigurable dual-contact reference battery, allowing for a wide range of application flexibility through the use of different reference electrolyte solutions

Product specification:

± 5% of a linear reading or ±3 ppb at 25°C (whichever is greater)

Weight 1 lb / 2 lb (0.5 kg / 0.1 kg)

Building material liquid parts: polysulfone, Viton1, Teflon2

Titanium, Ryton, Teflon? Glass and user specified O-ring material

3500P / 3500VP 1 inch MNPT, front and rear thread


2000734: Liquid connection, KYNAR/ wood

2001317: Liquid connection, high purity

9210391:3200HP electrolyte filling, 500 ml

23239-05: Sensor tube, pH, Pt100, Titanium, general purpose

23239-08: Sensor tube, pH 3KTC titanium high pH

23239-09: Sensor tube, pH, Pt100, Titanium, high H value

23566-00: Sensor tube, pH, Pt-100 titanium, LRG

23566-01: Sensor tube, pH, Pt-100, Titanium, high pH

24185-00:HPpH storage Pool Kit

9210392: Reference filled gel HT, silicon, 30 ml

9210424:SC Refill kit, 30cc syringe (4 to 5 refills per tube)

24231-00: High temperature reference kit

24231-02: Antivirus reference kit

24231-03: Oil resistance reference kit

24231-04: Anti-scaling reference kit

24238-00:HT porous Teflon liquid connection

24239-00:HT liquid connection and Viton O-shaped snares

24263-00:PH/ORP/ISE signal board kit

RB5104-0120V:20" Titanium Kynar Viton retractable cannula

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