Achieving High Accuracy Flow Measurement with the Yokogawa DY080 Digital Vortex Flowmeter

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The Yokogawa DY080 is an innovative vortex flowmeter that delivers highly accurate and reliable flow measurements for gases, steam, and liquids. With its digital vortex sensor and advanced diagnostics, this intelligent flowmeter provides precision flow control across a wide range of industrial processes.

Unmatched Accuracy with Digital Vortex Sensing

At the heart of the DY080 lies its digital vortex sensor technology that radically improves flow measurement accuracy.

Superior Signal Processing

Advanced digital signal processing techniques extract the vortex frequency signal with far greater precision compared to analog vortex designs.

Immunity to Flow Disturbances

Yokogawa’s innovative digital sensor employs special algorithms to filter outflow disturbances. This allows accurate measurement even in applications with pulsating flow.

High Turndown Ratio

With its high-accuracy digital sensing, the DY080 provides up to 100:1 turndown - allowing accurate measurement across a wide flow range with one device.

Diagnostics Capabilities

The digital sensor has onboard diagnostics to check vortex signal strength and integrity, ensuring reliability.

Handling Tough Process Conditions

Engineered for demanding industrial environments, the robust DY080 accurately measures flow in challenging conditions.

Wide Rangeability

The vortex flowmeter can handle liquids, gases, and steam across an extensive flow range - from 0.3 to 65 m/s velocity.

High-Temperature Operation

With its corrosion-resistant dual-channel sensor, the DY080 can operate continuously at temperatures up to 350°C.

Low-Pressure Measurement

Even at low input pressures down to 2 bar, the flowmeter provides accurate and reliable measurement.

Intelligent Flow Diagnostics

The DY080 goes beyond just flow measurement, with its advanced self-diagnostic capabilities.

Continuous Self-Monitoring

The digital sensor continually checks the vortex signals to ensure reliable operation. Any faults are reported.

Predictive Maintenance

Sophisticated analytics detect subtle changes in sensor signals over time. This predictive intelligence flags maintenance needs before failures occur.

Easy Remote Access

Operators can check device health remotely via digital communication interfaces like HART. Diagnostic data aids preventative maintenance.

Easy Integration and Configuration

Yokogawa designed the DY080 with a focus on usability and connectivity for smarter flow infrastructure.

User-Friendly Interface

The large full-color LCD display provides intuitive access to all flowmeter parameters, diagnostics, and configuration.

Flexible Communication

Digital interfaces like HART allow remote configuration, calibration, and access to diagnostics. The DY080 integrates seamlessly into plant control systems.

Optional Wireless Interface

An integrated wireless adapter option enables efficient deployment without cabling. Wireless connectivity unlocks IIoT capabilities.

With its revolutionary accuracy, robust construction, and intelligent capabilities, the Yokogawa DY080 sets a new standard for performance and usability in vortex flow measurement.

If you want to get more information about our product, you can contact us at!